Share photos & videos with your guests

Upload your wedding memories to the WeddyBird photo gallery and share the wedding photos with your guests - Go to demo page.

To ensure that only your guests can see the photos and videos, the photo gallery can of course be password protected.

Fotogalerie Screenshot

Numerous photo albums

To keep your photos clearly organized, you can divide the photos into any number of photo albums, such as the wedding ceremony and the party.


Guest upload for photos and videos

And so that you don't miss a single moment of your big day, your guests can also upload their own photos and videos and share them with everyone else.

Of course, you can also download and save the photos and videos in your photo gallery afterwards.

Galerie Upload

QR-Code for quick access

The QR code gives your guests quick and easy access to your wedding photos and videos. Print the QR code in your thank you cards after the wedding, for example, or place it on signs or place cards that you hand out at the wedding.

QR-Code QR-Code

Share wedding photos & videos with your guests now!

It only takes a few minutes to set up. The perfect solution for the guests and the wedding couple.


Your WeddyBird website is optimized for mobile, tablet and PC.

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Questions about setting up your homepage? No problem. We are here.

Easy to set up

WeddyBird is super easy to use and accessible from anywhere.

Frequently asked questions

A wedding website is the perfect supplement to your wedding invitation. It offers almost unlimited space for all the important information for your guests, such as your gift list, who's on the bridal party, the schedule, possible accommodation for guests and much more. In contrast to traditional invitations, you can expand your website with the latest information at any time.

With the online response (RSVP) feature, your guests can directly accept or decline your invitation online, and you have all the responses clearly arranged in one place. After the wedding, the website can easily be converted into a photo gallery so that you can share your favorite photos with your guests. Guests also have the opportunity to upload their own photos.

In the free version of WeddyBird, you can upload a limited number of photos to the gallery. This is because the memory and data traffic is not free for us either. If you book the Premium or Domain package, you will be able to upload an unlimited number of photos and videos.

Yes, it is possible and both you and your guests can download the uploaded photos. However, you can also deactivate the download for your guests if you do not want this.

No, your guests do not need an account. Your guests only need the URL and the optional password to access your wedding homepage and photo gallery. They can then view all the photos and videos in the photo gallery and upload their own photos and videos.

You can use WeddyBird to create and design a free wedding website. We want to give all couples the possibility of creating a wedding website. Nevertheless, we do charge for some of our features, such as those that cost us something as well. There are definitely no hidden costs! You can find further information here.